Tuesday 7 February 2017





Thursday 2 February 2017


Life Blood:
                      Khalil Gibran’s poem “Song of the Flower” speaks about the life cycle of flower and it experiences.  At every sunrise, the flowers join the wind, as the flower sees the sunlight it becomes brighter because of its colour.  The flower is decorated with many colours, and it has a fragrant smell.
Objectives of the content:
1.     Reads and comprehends the poem
2.     Identifies poetic devices like figure of speech, images etc.
3.     To develop the power of imagination
4.     Develop their own work of art
Background Knowledge:
1.     Likes flowers
2.     Knows the life cycle of flowers
3.     Knows the use of flowers in different occassions
Teaching Aids:    Course book, chalk, chart, blackboard
Type of Application:    Students are engaged in group activity
Brought them into the Topic
The teacher brought the students into the topic by asking some questions like
Ø Do you like flowers?
Ø Did you ever studied a poem about flower?
Ø Did you observed a flower
Organisation of the Content
The teacher reacts the poem more than two times and explain each time
Learning Activity
The teacher asked them to read the poem loudly to convert their pronunciation mistakes.  Teacher randomly selected students.
Word Books
Students are asked to find out difficulty words
Ø Conceive : To become pregnant
Ø Utter : Express in spoken words
Ø Rear : Bring up
Ø Carpet : Thick factors for covering floor
Students Application to the Content
Teacher asked the students to arrange in groups and write a letter your friend about a favourite flower.

Pupils responded well

Pupils listened carefully

Pupils read loudly

Students presented their works

Students Work Book:  Teacher asked the students to write an appreciation of the poem as their homework.



I took the chapter ‘The Nightingale and the rose’ by Oscar Wilde and ‘A way in the country’ by Anton checkov from the unit
I WEEK [07-11-2016 to 11-11-2016]
I took the chapter “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wild and “A Way in the Country” by Anton Checkov from the unit “Flowers and Showers in class 8A.  In the chapter, Nightingale and the Rose was long so I took two weeks to complete it.  Along with the chapter I gave exercises given in the text.  I used Laptop to gave an introduction about the chapter.  Students listened with great anxiety.  I made them to do different activities based on the chapter by giving activity cards.  I also gave assignments to improve their language skill.
In this week, I got an opportunity to conduct different co-curricular activities in some of the classes on 09/11/2016 Wednesday.  I conducted a debate in class 8A, based on the topic “Nature Conservation” during the second period.  For that I divided the class into two groups.  Students actively participated in the debate.  Group A got more points.  I encouraged the students and told them about the importance of nature conservation.  On 10-11-2016, I got an opportunity to conduct a quiz competition in class on my substitution period.  Rahul got first prize.  I gave a small gift for him.  Students actively participated in the competition.
II WEEK [14-11-2016 to 18-11-2016]
             In this week also I continued my chapter “The Nightingale and the Rose”.  The students of 8A were co-operative with me because if they got free period they called me to complete the lesson.  I felt very happy.  I got an opportunity to took class in IX std. also.  I took the lesson “The Jungle Crash” in IX B.  I felt some difficulty to deal with that class.  I gave exercises along with the chapter given in the text book.
             In this week I got an opportunity to conduct a seminar on 14/11/2016 in class IX C based on the topic “The importance of Discipline in School”.  Students were actively participated in the seminar.  Both the teams were performed well.  So I had a little but confusion to announce the winner.  On Wednesday 16/11/2016, I got an opportunity to conduct language game on VIII C in English period.  Students were actively participated in the game.  Language game is very important to a successful language learning process.
III WEEK [21-11-2016 to 25-11-2016]
             In this week I started next chapter “A Day in the Country” by Anton Checkov.  This chapter tells that man and nature have an interdependent relationship.  I show a video clip on Laptop based on this theme.  Students were listened well.  Then I asked them a few questions about nature.  They responded well.  Along with the chapter, I gave exercises given in the text book.  I made them to do different activities based on the chapter by giving activity cards.
             In this week I got an opportunity to practice a drama for Revenue Youth Festival.  I connected the dialogues of the students and encouraged them to performed well and won 2nd prize.
             I got an opportunity to conduct story telling competition.  Pupils were greatly enjoyed those events and participated actively.
IV WEEK [29-11-2016 to 02-12-2016]
             In this week, Revenue Youth Festival was conducted in our school.  Monday (27/11/2010) was holiday due to Revenue Youth Festival.  Tuesday was the first day of Revenue Youth Festival.  We were assigned to do different duties on different stages.  I got the duty on 2nd stage.  Quiz competition was going on there students from different schools attended the competition.  I think I done the work well.  After the competition there was procession from Kuttamukku to Panayanarkavu.  We took part in it.  There was an inaugural ceremony at 6.00 pm.  On Wednesday, as there were so many duties to our juniors were called from our college to assign different duties.  It was a good experience to work with them.  We got duty in each of the stage.  I got duty in stage where “Nadanpattu” was taking place we all were in a happy mood and it was the first time to take part in such duties.  Thursday was the third part of the youth festival.  I got the duty on 1st stage where Arab recitation for the high school students was taking place.  On that day by 1 O’ Clock, our Deputy HM asked us to go to Panayannarkavu Temple Auditorium to serve food for the teacher and students who are participating in the Youth Festival.  There were so many students so we have to serve about 600 meals at a time.  It was a good experience for us.  Friday was the 4th day of the Youth Festival.  I have no duty on morning session.  So I completed my record work.  At 1 O’ Clock I went with my friends to serve the meal at temple auditorium.  After that I got the duty on the 3rd stage where “Ganamela” was going on.  I enjoyed it very much.  Saturday was holiday.  Overall, I enjoyed the programmes very much.
V WEEK [05-12-2016 to 09-12-2016]
             In this week also I have done many curricular activities.  I continued the chapter “A Day in the Country” in 8A and gave activities along with the chapter.  I asked them to write notice, poster and diary and I corrected it.  Some students did it well and some others felt difficulty.  Then I gave textual activities and question answers based on the topic.  I provided them a chart with same notable points about deforestation.  I asked them to read and asked them to write more about deforestation.
             In this week, we organized Health Education class on 07-11-2016 and physical education class on 10-11-2016 and a cleaning programme on 11-11-2016.  In health education class, I told them about personal hygiene and mental hygiene and how to become hygiene.  Students listened with very anxiety.  In physical education class, I told about the “Need and Importance of Yoga” and told about different “Asanas”.  Students attended with very carefully.  In cleaning programme we want along with the students to took part in it.  It was a wonderful experience for me.
VI WEEK [03-01-2017 to 06-01-2017]
             We were again sent to school to collect data for thesis and to conduct concientizaiton programme on 05-01-2017.  The topic of my thesis is “The study on the relationship between parental involvement and academic performance on high school students”.  So that I gave a questionnaire based on the topic and arrived at a conclusion.  Students and teachers of the school helped me for data collection.
             I conducted a concientization programme based on the topic Importance of social medias among school children.
             To aware the children I showed a short film based on the topic in Laptop.  It included both positive and negative effects.  Negative effects are – it can be lead to children jumping into absence, harmful or pornographic websites that may affect their thinking process, cyber crimes.  Too much social media can affect our children’s ability to develop strong interpersonal relationships, wastage of time.  The positive effects include – helps children, connect with extended family and friends, helps to develop better perspectives on various issues.  Learn new things, exchange ideas and helps to develop their networking skills, it helps to provide an effective platform for enhancing your child’s knowledge.  Students listened with great anxiety.
             Teaching practice was a nice experience for me.  It gave us a chance to interact with students.  It helped us to understand children almost deeply.  By this practice, we understand the qualities of a good teacher by experience.



Ramu and Raju are friends. Ramu belongs to a poor family while Raju belongs to a rich family. Ramu had only one shirt. He does not wash it or iron it. So the shirt feels very sad. But Raju has many shirts. Hew wash it and iron it and wear it beautifully.
Raju’s shirt always teases Ramu’s shirt when they meet together. So the shirt thinks to escape from Ramus’ hands. At that night Ramus’ shirt went away from home. Ramu’s shirt walks mi;es aand iles away from the home. Atlast he met a laundry man. He is going to wash his clothes. Ramu’s shirt asked him to wash and iron it why because his master does not wash or iron him.
The laundry man did so when he washed the shirt it feel pain and iron it he feel burnt. Now he realise that his master was so kind so that he does not did so. Ramu’s shirt go back to home and said sorry to his master.




Relative Pronoun is a pronoun that introduces an adjective clause. In English, the relative Pronouns are
Ø That
Ø Which
Ø Who
Ø Whom
Ø Whose
A relative pronoun is used to start a description for a noun. (This description is called adjective clause or a relative clause). The description comes after the noun to:
1)    Identify it
Ø The lady who made your dress is waiting outside
(The noun is the lady. The relative pronoun is who. The adjective clause identifying the lady is underlined)
Ø I saw the dog which ate the cake.
(The noun being identified is the dog)
Ø We did not know the tune that had been playing.
(The noun being identified is the tune)
2)    Tell us more information about it.
Ø Mrs. Miggins who owns a pie shop, is waiting outside.
(The noun is Mrs. Miggins. The adjective clause tells us some information about her)
Ø I rode my bike, which now had two flat tyres, back home.
(The noun is my bike. The adjective clause tells us some information about it)
Relative Pronouns (for people and things)
Relative Pronoun is determined by whether it refers to a person or thing. The choices are
Ø Who and whom refer to people
Ø Which refers to things
That and whose refer to people or things
